Presentation Topic: The HVAC System’s Role in Improving Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) in Buildings of All Types
Speaker: David Schurk DES, CEM, LEED-AP, CDSM, CWEP, SFP, CIAQM (ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer)
David Schurk DES, CEM, LEED-AP, CDSM, CWEP, SFP, CIAQM, ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, Committee Chair ASHE Sustainability and Decarbonization Leadership Task Force, and Member ASHE Rapid Response Task Force is Director-Healthcare and Applied Engineering Markets for GPS Air in Charlotte, NC. He has over 40-years of experience in the design and analysis of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems for a variety of market sectors, with a special focus on healthcare and aerospace environmental control and air quality.