Gold Sponsorship: $5,000 and Above >>pay here<<
(1) Foursome team for annual golf tournament
(1) Hole sponsorship for golf tournament
(1) Seat for every chapter meeting OR (1) Range Sponsorship during Annual RP Shoot out
Announcement of your sponsorship during all meeting introductions and events.
Logo on website
Business card advertisement in newsletter (September – May)
RP Donor Level - ASHRAE Associate:
Gold Commemorative Coin & Plaque, Listed in the annual Investor Honor Roll
Forget-Me-Not Chapter Sponsorship: $2,500 - $4,999 >>pay here<<
(1) Range Sponsorship during Annual RP Shoot out
(1) Hole Sponsorship during Annual Golf Tournament
Announcement of your sponsorship during all meeting introductions and events.
Logo on website
Business card advertisement in newsletter (September – May)
RP Donor Level - Major Donor – Silver:
Silver Commemorative Coin & Plaque, Listed in the annual Investor Honor Roll
Chapter Meeting Sponsor: $1000 >>pay here<< (Limited to 8 Sponsors, 1 per meeting)
Sponsor’s table available with display and literature prior to meeting. A website link and a hole or range sponsorship will be made available as an alternative for a virtual meeting sponsorship.
Logo on welcome message during monthly chapter meeting
Announcement of your sponsorship during the meeting introduction
Logo on website
Business card advertisement in newsletter (September – May)
RP Donor Level - Major Donor – Bronze:
Bronze Commemorative Coin & Plaque, Listed in the annual Investor Honor Roll
Web Sponsorship Package: $400 >>pay here<<
Logo on website
Business card advertisement in newsletter (September – May)
RP Donor Level – Honor Roll (Individuals only):
Receive blue desktop coin holder, Listed in the annual Investor Honor Roll
Newsletter Sponsorship: $150 >>pay here<<
Business card advertisement in newsletter (September – May)